Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Youth politicians are foregoing their paychecks in a bid to help the cash-strapped government.

Acting Gov. Timothy P. Villagomez approved yesterday a bill that stops compensation to members of the Youth Congress.

Under Public Law 15-128, Saipan members will no longer receive payment for attending sessions. Their counterparts from Rota and Tinian will only be provided air transportation and per diem.

The youth senators, who initiated the measure last year, received praise from Villagomez.

“I commend the 10th Youth Congress for passing this legislation to assist our financially ailing government by serving in the Youth Congress voluntarily,” said the acting governor.

“The CNMI Youth Congress serves an important role in our Legislature by voicing the issues facing our CNMI teens and bringing forth ideas to improve the educational and social aspects of the CNMI youth. I am humbled that our Youth Congress is willing to take on these tasks voluntarily and assist the CNMI by making this adult decision to help our government,” he added.

Sen. Jude Hofschneider sponsored the legislation, on behalf of the Youth Congress.

Previously, youth senators were paid $25 each for every regular session they attended. Members from Rota and Tinian were paid travel expenses, in addition to air transportation and per diem.

But the youth senators have not received these payments for three years now.

The Youth Congress said that both the government and the youth senators will benefit from the Youth Congress members serving as volunteers. It would relieve the CNMI government of the burden of paying the youth senators, and allow the young ones “to embrace a deeper commitment to service and dedication to our community.”

“Senators who are serving their terms as volunteers will still receive a great educational experience and essential exposure to legislative workings, still be equipped to perform all the functions they currently perform, and still be able to contribute vitally to the youth of the CNMI,” the Youth Congress added.

Youth Congress blogspot site: